The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #130863 Message #2947537
Posted By: GUEST,Nick EFDSS
19-Jul-10 - 08:28 AM
Thread Name: EFDSS Advantages and Disadvantages
Subject: RE: EFDSS Advantages and Disadvantages
Hi Matt from Northampton - Hope you're well - if you're wandering in the direction of Cambridge or Sidmouth (from Monday 2nd) this year come and say hello - we have EFDSS stands at both events - anyone else from Mudcat is obviously very welcome as well.
However to respond the to Good Solder's question - it's impossible to give an answer to how money is split between song and dance (and music for that matter). This is not to be evasive but you can appreciate that if we promote, for instance, a dance with live band, we wouldn't cost it on the basis that some of the money comes from a dance pot and some from a music pot; similarly we dont' cost our own time, whether it be on marketing, education or the Libray on the basis of what particular artform we are working on at any one time. We are simply a single entity and look for any opportunity to promote all aspects of folk song, dance and music.
It is very possible that you will have seen more activity on the music front this year because the Arts Council money we were awarded was specifically for music, but next year, being the centenary of the English Folk Dance Society, will see us more involved in dance projects including a partnership with the Inter Varsity Folk Dance Festival in Bristol.
We have a pretty new staff team here (with the exception of very long serving Library Director) and I can honestly say that we come to this with no preconception of any artform having a precedent over the other - they are all equally important to us.