The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #25261   Message #294813
Posted By: Naemanson
10-Sep-00 - 10:11 PM
Thread Name: Arlo Guthrie And The Boston Pops
Subject: Arlo Guthrie And The Boston Pops
I was preparing to watch a movie when I turned on the TV. What I found there was too good to interrupt. There was Arlo Guthrie on Evening At Pops. He was at a piano playing City Of New Orleans with the orchestra backing him up. For the next piece Gil Shaham accompanied him. Then he moved over to the guitar and played I Don't Want a Pickle, Road of Glory, This Land Is Your Land, and Good night Irene.

It seemed an odd venue for a folkie but who am I to question such things. I'm a little out of touch. Maybe all of you guys are playing with your local pops orchestras backing you up. Besides, I'm not going to question any paying gig. And the audience seemed truly appreciative.

Seriously though, it was good to see and hear him again. I hadn't seen him or even a picture of him in years. His hair is still long but it has turned white. (How could he have aged? I haven't.) And when he sang This Land Is Your Land the tears flowed down my cheeks.

Does anyone know about his health? I understand there was some question about him possibly being a potential victim of the same disease that got Woody.

He had some funny things to say. He commented on the postage stamp of his dad. He said his dad spent his whole life in a battle to avoid being respectable. He said the stamp appeared to be the final defeat in that fight.