The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #129840   Message #2948976
Posted By: beardedbruce
21-Jul-10 - 09:16 AM
Thread Name: BS: New Israeli atrocity: attack on Gaza aid
Subject: RE: BS: New Israeli atrocity: attack on Gaza aid
"Remember the Stern Gang and the Irgun Zwei Leumi, who numbered ex president Menachim Begin among their activists, when they poured petrol over tents full of British soldiers, and set light to them, back in 1948.

Beats the hell out of a few unguided rockets, doesn't it.

The attacking of MILITARY has always been done in war- too bad the PALESTINIANS can't restrict themselves to military targets- which I have never complained about, except as being a bad path to peace.

"2. FACT! Israel plans to populate land which has been cleared of Palestinians, with Israelis. Israel also still occupies and claims ownership of land acquired by military force, having substituted the original dwellers with Isralis. By any definition this is de facto ethnic cleansing, and they are vey good at it.

FACT- the West bank had a large Jewish population prior to 1948, as did a number of Arab nations. Where are those people now, and why do you think THEY were NOT ethnically cleansed? Perhhaps you need to consider that Israel is just RESETTLING tha areas that were previously Jewish. You seem to think it ok for Palestinains to perform ethnic cleansing, re Jews and Christians: I detect more than a slight whiff of bigotry in your posts.

"They claim that Palestinians were using hospitals and schools as shelter for weapons and terrorists, but whose word do we have for the truth of that?"

The UN? Observers? BBC TV reports, showing the school? Claims that the PALESTINAS made? You have NO problem in taking PALESTINIAN statements as true without outside verification- again, a stink appears in your posts.