The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #130131   Message #2949184
Posted By: ollaimh
21-Jul-10 - 01:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bloody Sunday Report - AT LAST
Subject: RE: BS: Bloody Sunday Report - AT LAST
anyone who claims racism must know that the essential component is actual oppression and or loss or depravation. bnoit just i was insulted. for the british on this thread to claim that those who oppose the racist killings are themselves racists is tyhe height of ignorance and hypocracy.


furthermore the idea that the paras wer fired upon is some justification assumes they are mad dogs--perhaps convient for me --but i don't believe that. i have served in a military unit and i have many friends who served overseas as peace keepers. they took hundreds of incomming rounds without responding. whay? because there were civilians there. its called military discipline.

i supose its possible the paras have no discipline but i don't believe it fort as second.

they were motivated to killand they were ordered to kill by officers who were motivated to kill, because they all believed a iriah man protesting isa terrorist and should be killed.

several of the paras who refused to perjure themselves before the widgery commission (and were shipped out) said later they tried to stop the firing and were threatened by their own officers.

this is no different that amritsar nand many other civilian murders by the british army in its imperial violence acrtoss most of the world.

many british can'y acknowledge this because if they werw rong in ireland they were wrong everywhere.

well they were. they committed genocide in africa and in north america but british people forget.

if any of you read other languages you should read what other europeans think, not very complimentary. the french compare it to algeria where they pulled out to end the civil war, even though they had a few departments where the settlers were a majority and the right wanted to keep those. they resettled two and a half million people.

the british establishment has covered up the abuses in ireland from the beg8inning. lortd denning--the master of the rolls--siad it ewould have been better that the birmingham six and the macguires have been tried when they had the death penality as then the abuse would never have come out and brought the admisstration of justice into disrepute. in other words better to kill the innocent than admit they were framed. this has happened at every level.

the british criminal laws were found not to meet european union standards of human rights and britasin was found guilty of torture. etc etc. really if you want to claim clean hands you actually have to clean them not continue the cover ups , frame ups torture and killings.

because they had to alter the offenses against the state act and the terroridsts acts the british government rescinded the presumption of innonence so they could get conviction. they abandoned their oldest civil liberties protection to continue the cover up frame up torture and killings of irishmen and women.

forgive and forget would be nice but you actuaslly have to stop first. prosecute the framers and troturers and hold public enquiries into all levels of those involves not just tell others forgive us so we can do it again