The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #130740   Message #2949203
Posted By: ollaimh
21-Jul-10 - 02:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: Have a Glorious Twelfth! (Drumcree Parade)
Subject: RE: BS: Have a Glorious Twelfth! (Drumcree Parade)
the founding documents of the orange order atated they were dedicated to the elimination of catholicism and the gaelic language and they advocated violence to do so. they were founded as an openly racist and violent order. they have been successfull in usi8ng a militant minority to alter the course of events.

they have ammended the foun ding documents but they still celebrate domination.

the fight between the loast stuarts and the house of orange was about the anti catholic bigotry of parliament. they had to go to the fifty first heir among the stuart descendants to dind a protestant, over looking the first fifty in line, purely for religion.

catholics were barred from p0ublic office, from many professions and from government jobs--except the army. all open discrimination that the orange order kept alive long after partition. oe of the choef items of the good friday agreement is that governmant jobs have to be shared equally now. the police and army will not be all protestant any more. that means the loyalist paramilitary will no longer be able to operate from the corner of their desk in the police offices or the army.\\

again all this was found and admitted to in parliament after the publication of the tripartite report on northernireland. for the record if you have never read at least a symopsis of thatreport you really have no right to an opinion on these issues