The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127472   Message #2949751
Posted By: Bobert
22-Jul-10 - 09:09 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Tea Party a Terrorist Organization??
Subject: RE: BS: The Tea Party a Terrorist Organization??
Yeah, TIA... Reckon folks who have never considered what it musta been like to be a black person in the Jim Crow South won't have a clue but...

...yeah, if ya' know that people are out there who are on Boss Hog's payrolll and their only job is to take yer life's work and twist it in a manner that makes you look like a monster then that has to be terribly terrorizin'... I mean, for black folks who are old enogh to rmember Jim Crow I'm sure there is alot of "Oh shit, I thought we were past that" thinkin'... I mean, it's only natural...

Personally, I don't think too many white people get this because they haven't spent enough time with black people to have a knowledge base that let's them fully understand the lingerin' effects of a hundred years of Jim Crow... Hey, I've spent alot of my life working with and around black folks and would like to think I have an understanding but no one really can understand it if they don't have some history livin' in fear...

Maybe this will become a teachable incident but the probklem is that the folks who are doing the terrorizing (like playground bullies) don't see themselves as part of the problem and are the very ones who won't allow themselves to learn anything from it but...

...quite the opposite... They are allready lining up with their usual poor-victim-me rationalizations and alibis... Normal...

Yeah, I think we are way past due to have that discussion on race that Bill Clionton tried to get going back in '96... There are way too many folks out there who are clueless...
