The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64256   Message #2949968
Posted By: wysiwyg
22-Jul-10 - 01:52 PM
Thread Name: Aw, Can We Keep Him???
Subject: RE: Aw, Can We Keep Him???
Those of you who know us well will understand that in a clergy household, things can be a little fragmented. This is one of those sorts of days. Fraggy but hopefully not snarky or overly scattered.

What I know, as of right now:

1. The incision healed well, the stitches are out, and they picked off a scab for him to lick as much as he cares to lick-- no more QE1.
2. The biopsy results are back and are good enough to clear F for boarding while we vacay (lvg Monday).
3. We will get the details on the biopsy results tomorrow afternoon, together (Hardi could not come today).
4. Hookworm, which they say has been making F so hungry this summer, can be treated affordably (two dogs) without worrying about treating the whole Dog World before we depart. Now to figure out who brought in the hookworm.... I'm putting my money on the late SamCat.
5. Frontline rules.
6. MudMagic (prayer) works.

TBTG, and off for a good long cold-puddle soak with our dog napping nearby,

(more tomorrow)