The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #130902   Message #2950969
Posted By: Genie
23-Jul-10 - 05:47 PM
Thread Name: BS: FoX News TKO's Obama..Shirley Sherrod Firing
Subject: RE: Breitbart & Fox News distort Sherrod's views
Rig, what you're accusing Van Jones of is a) disagreeing with your political views and b) being somewhat inconsistent (as you see it) in his own views. Since when does that amount to being "a bad person" or corrupt?

Reverend Wright, like Ms. Sherrod, was smeared in the media largely by short snippets - out of 20 years of sermons - being played over and over by the media. I do not blame Obama for distancing himself from Wright after Wright basically threw Obama under the proverbial bus by suggesting that Obama would say whatever he had to in order to win election.    But I have read and heard a lot more of Wright's sermons and interviews, and he is neither racist nor corrupt. He is provocative in his messages and flambuoyant in his style, but that doesn't make him corrupt.

ACORN, too, has a long history of doing a tremendous lot of good for low-income and disabled people and minorities (helping them find legal help, housing, employment, and access to other non-profit and public services; helping them get registered to vote; etc.)    As with my example of police departments, finding some misbehavior on the part of some ACORN workers does not justify writing off the whole organization as "corrupt" or "bad."

As for the New Black Panthers, maybe they are racist. Or maybe it's just a handful of highly visible members. In either case, it was the Bush administration's DOJ who first decided not to prosecute them.   And the snippets of violent, racist talk that are being echoed all over Fox now are from years ago, not current.