The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75122   Message #2951263
Posted By: Suffet
24-Jul-10 - 07:09 AM
Thread Name: Little known '60s Folk Singers
Subject: RE: Little known '60s Folk Singers

Lots of people you mention are still alive and actively performing, and there are several that I am in contact with. For example, I regularly see and speak with Paul Kaplan, since both he and I currently serve on the People's Music Network steering committee. Paul currently lives in Amherst, MA, where is teaches music and runs a concert series.

The last I heard of Julius Lester he was also living in Amherst, but that was several years ago. He is a Professor Emeritus of African-American Studies and Judaic Studies at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, as well a the author of many books.

Carolyn Hester tours with her two daughters, and they peform at the Peoples' Voice Cafe in New York City about once a year.

Matt Jones lives in New York City and has been part of the local folk scene for many years. He has been seriously ill lately, and I visited him in Saint Luke's Hospital earlier this month.

I believe Eric Andersen lives in Norway. He is still touring, and I've seen him here in New York three times in the past five years.

Several people on your list have, of course, passed away.

--- Steve