The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #15959 Message #2951334
Posted By: kendall
24-Jul-10 - 10:02 AM
Thread Name: Origins: I Had a Hat when I Came In (J Mooney)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: I Had a Hat when I Came In
Joe, that story reminds me of another.
Ira Crabtree wasn't a believer, but one day he had to be in court to answer a summons. He circled the court house three times looking for a parking space. Time was running out and he knew if he didn't show the judge would issue a bench warrant and he would be a fugitive. Out of desperation he looked up and said, "Oh Lord, I'm in trouble, please find me a parking space." In less than a minute a space opened up and he said "Never mind, I found one."