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Thread #129030   Message #2951382
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
24-Jul-10 - 11:28 AM
Thread Name: BS: Arizona law on detaining illegal aliens
Subject: RE: BS: Arizona law on detaining illegal aliens
Bobert: "If it's an American issue, GfSer, then why is it that it is being pushed soley by the Tea Party and FOX un-news???"

I can't speak for the 'Tea Party', being as I see them as a predictable backlash to what the government has become...that being said, I'm sure that they too, have elements in them that will co-opt them into something else. As far as Fox News, sometimes they report things that the other biased media omits..even though they have their slants and biases too.
   When I listen to the 'news', I listen to more than Fox. Most of the time the news reports a cover provide just that COVER! Usually they provide a 'red cape', as a matador holds a red cape, so the bull goes after the cape....INSTEAD OF THE MATADOR!!
   Frankly, I get a lot of news online, PBS, NPR, and some other sources, that I've developed, who I've been astounded at their accuracy, and 'inside' access.
   To blame everything on Fox or the Tea Party, then disregard them entirely, is like throwing out the baby with the bath water. Even a broken clock is right, twice a day!
   I find NBC, and MSNBC are so watered down and biased, its a waste of time watching or listening to them, without then going to Fox, and finding out another side to the same story...which also turns out to be incomplete!..but, its still more of the same story.
   We from Sanity-Land, have a 'smell test', the lets us know when something is bullshit or not, on the news...and YES, you can count on the fact, that the REAL news, that we should all be getting, that affects our lives, is NOT going to be reported on the 'infotainment' networks.
   Getting back to the 'Tea Party'.....I think they were/are a backlash to the Obama administration, just as the Obama Administration was a backlash, to the prior administration/S, bullshit, that we've grown so painfully accustomed to.
   That being said, career politicians, are going to represent those who are their bread and butter. IT SHOULD BE US!....but sadly, it is those who pay them more to vote whichever way their money backers want them to...and that entails bribes(call it any other name that you want)...and that is illegal!....even in private life!...Why not hold these evil clowns accountable??!!?? The 'NEWS' is just the propaganda cover stories, that allow them to continue this treasonous behavior!
   Anymore, if a politician does not hold to strict adherence to the oaths they take, throw them out and into prison!...You have a government salary of up to $200,000 a year, versus millions paid out for a swing vote on a certain issue, which benefits the payer of that money. Which do you think gets the representation??..the one with the ideological idealism?????
   In my humble opinion(as if my opinions are humble--wink), its time to clean house!!...and rely on the rule of law set forth by the form of government we a suppose to have...not what it has come to, through corrupt opportunistic bullshit artists!...IT'S NOT A MATTER OF PARTY POLITICS! The difference being spouted by both sides, is just the 'reason' they hide behind. They DO NOT give a rat's ass about those issues, as they would like their supporters to believe. It is deception on a mass scale!...and it is wrong, it is corrupt, it is treasonous, it is illegal...and it is evil!