The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #25283   Message #295179
Posted By: GUEST,Ickle Dorritt cookieless again
11-Sep-00 - 03:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: Granny Kelly
Subject: Granny Kelly
Today, we have welcomed our first grandchild Laura Rose. I am very keen to make sure that if there is a natural musical ability that it is harvested early so I'm saving for those piano/violin/trombone lessons as we speak!. I do wish as a child, that my parents had nurtured the little musical talent that I had, because I wouldn't feel so frustrated about my lack of ability to play well now. Is it a case of catchem while they're young or is that going to turn a child away from music? I would like to hear about others experiences of learning to play at a young age -when is it best to start?