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Thread #130902   Message #2952390
Posted By: Bobert
26-Jul-10 - 08:40 AM
Thread Name: BS: FoX News TKO's Obama..Shirley Sherrod Firing
Subject: RE: BS: FoX News TKO's Obama..Shirley Sherrod Firing
Seems that you are exposing the same "free market" policies that Reagan brought to the country, GfS... Well, they have been a miserable failure... You might not like regulations but without them we are definately going down the drain... This "idealogue" (I assume you mean Obama) is trying, at least, to get somethings fixed... Free markets brought us 17% of of GNP for health care... That alone is not a sustainable cost if the US wants to compete in the global economy...

The stimulis??? Pure Republican buillshit that it isn't working...Most non-flat-earth economists say that it has saved millions of jobs... How quickly we forget the just how close the US economy was to crashin' and burning' in the falll of '08 and winter of '09... The stimulis is what brought us back from the brink...

Yeah, their is way too much unemplyment and guess what??? We're going to have it for a long while... Even more and longer if the Repubs have their way... What the hell is cutting taxes gonna do??
Create more jobs??? That ain't gonna happen... The Fortune 500 companies are sitting on $1.8T right now and aren't hiring so giving them even more money won't do anything but drive the deficit up... This is common sense...

Yeah, ain't like the Dems have been able to put *real* fixes in place but they have taken the first steps... The Repubs??? We know what they will do... We all witnessed it but seems like lotta folks got blainders on when it comes to remembering just how screwed up the country was under their control...

So, yeah... It's easy to do the generic rant about what's wrong but givin' the reigns back over to the crooks that brought us this recession/depression ain't no answer at all... It's like using leeches for treating medical problems...
