The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #130902   Message #2954829
Posted By: Bobert
29-Jul-10 - 07:47 PM
Thread Name: BS: FoX News TKO's Obama..Shirley Sherrod Firing
Subject: RE: BS: FoX News TKO's Obama..Shirley Sherrod Firing
Tell ya what, Saw... You keep on referrin' to me as a "bigot" and I'll hunt yer lieing ass down and put a whup on... I've warned you before and I'm just not going to allow you to refer me to a bigot... Do you understand??? If not then you will...

Serious business here... I will not be called a bigot by you or anyone... You can call me a commie... A socialist... A tree hugger... But not a bigot!!!

Get it???

I'll put my life's work up agsint yours in fighting racism, sexisma and all the other "isms"... You wnat to get transparent here and talk about what gives you a right to call me a bigot then let's get it on... Until then??? Take that word bigot and stuff it up yer cyber stalking posterior!!!

Got it yet...

We're not going to have this talk again...
