The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #25280   Message #295525
Posted By: Patrish(inactive)
12-Sep-00 - 04:30 AM
Thread Name: BS: Fuel crisis
Subject: RE: BS: Fuel crisis
Today,if I had to come by bus I would have to leave the house at about 6.30am catch 2 buses (that run to a peculiar timetable - you know the sort - no buses for ages then three at once)I'd still have a lengthy walk after that and I cannot be sure that I would arrive on time. It would cost me three times as much in bus fares than it would at the current rate of petrol, and it would take 4 hours a day extra travelling time (thats 20 hours a week - nearly a whole day wasted).I want to see petrol come down in price, but if public transport worked I'd use that. I have only been driving for three years(the only one in the family that drives), before that we walked or bussed everywhere, and I can tell you from grim experience that I have probably spent more time waiting for buses than actually travelling on them. When I passed my test it was like a gift of freedom.