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Thread #130902   Message #2957084
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
02-Aug-10 - 09:29 PM
Thread Name: BS: FoX News TKO's Obama..Shirley Sherrod Firing
Subject: RE: BS: FoX News TKO's Obama..Shirley Sherrod Firing
Bobert: "Can't you see the way the right wing is co-opting the word "bigot" becasue it will and can justifyable be use on them???"

GfS: The word bigot has been used by the far left so often it's just about worn out its meaning!

So they are trying, with you and Saws help I might add, to make bigot this everyday word that can jusr be used any ol' time anyone disagress with another person... This is all part of a paid-for political stategey... Hust like the right wing co-opted the word "liberal"...

GfS: First of all, I'm not a Republican. Second of all, when I've (and very rarely) used the word 'bigot', it was to point out that the person using the word, that they were misusing it..because, rather than use intelligent debate, those who use it frequently, think they can do so(call some one a bigot), and reduce themselves into name calling, than debate issues, based on FACTS!

Bobert: "Hey, they may pull if off so that they (the real bigots) will have cover in calling liberals, civil rights people, progressives, Democrats "bigots"!!!"

GfS: Niot sure what you are driving at, in the last sentence, but many radical lefties hide behind using the term 'civil rights' as a way of expressing their 'sense of entitlement' paid for, of course, by other people's hard earned money!...and confiscated by your friend and mine, the ever expanding government!

Bobert: "Well, as long as I have breath in my body I will not allow anyone to call be a bigot because I don't happen to agree with racist, sexist, homophobic bullshit being slung by a bunch of racist, sexist, homophobic redneck Republicans who just want to get in power so they can continue with their racist, sexist, homophobic redneck policies..."

GfS: you must be referring to someone else, and I'm not sure who...but it isn't me. I never called you anything of the sort, based on your list!

Bobert: "Hey, the right wing is calling Obama a "bigot"???"

GfS: ..and the left wing has never called Sarah Palin, the same???? Its all bullshit! It's cheap street theater for the half witted!

Bobert: If you can't see that you have fallen into the 2010-2012, 20 forever Republican coopie doll in the back window of garndpa's '78 Olsmobile than Helen Keller has 20/20 eyesight compared to yours...

GfS:I haven't fallen for ANY of EITHER side's games! I think their BOTH full of crap, and fraudulently exploiting, what used to be, idealistic visions, of what WAS considered a correct path!!

Bobert: "I loves ya, GfS, but you been sucked into the Republican turbine and yer now spitting out their talking points..."

GfS: Hey, truth is truth, sometimes the Republicans spout it, and sometimes the Democrats spout it....the TRUTH to the problem, is neither side believe in it!...they just want YOU to think they do!

"Bigot" has a special place in out history... Like Goerge Wallace and Lester Maddox and Jim Crow... For those of us who stood up to those rednecks in the name of humanity and what is right we ain't gonna let ya'll have thios word like a weapon to use against us... It just that simple... I will fight you or anyone here who tries to co-opt it to use against people who are tolerant and who have fought the battles..

GfS: You forgot Robert Byrd....but for political masquerading, he changed his tune!

Bobert: "If Martin Luther King were here at Mudact he'd be just as forcefull..."

GfS: He'd probably spell better, too!!

GfS....(winking at ya')