The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131210   Message #2957730
Posted By: Soldier boy
03-Aug-10 - 10:49 PM
Thread Name: Max's Whitby Folk Week MudGatherings
Subject: Max's Whitby Folk Week MudGatherings
Hi folks.

I have started this thread as an off-shoot from Max's grand UK tour thread so we Mudcatters going to Whitby Folk Week, or even resident in Whitby, can start to focus on Max's initial tour of the UK and collectively agree and schedule one, two or even three MudGatherings for Max during his stay in Whitby between Sat 21 Aug and Wed 25 Aug.

Regrettably, due to even more family commitments, it is looking like I won't get to Whitby till Tues or Wed that week so I am appealing to my folkie buddies like Les from Hull and Raggytash and Ray Padgett and dosy rosy and Muppett and Ossonflags and Harteypool Harry and Tig and Mr and Mrs Duck et al to step into the breach and help me to arrange a really good do for our special VIP, Max.

I agree with Les from Hull that a MudGather in 'The Board Inn' on Mon or Wed in the afternoon would be great after Whitby Scratch Morris have finished dancing. What time would that be Les? It's a good quiet venue where we could all meet and greet Max and get to know him and he could do his own thing.

Other good suggestions are of course 'The Endeavour' sessions at night (8-11pm) if you can include Max as as a special guest, the session in the 'Friendship Rowing Club' and the boat trip to Staithes on Tuesday and also the singing room in The Station Tavern run by Ray and Jim McDonald etc.

So what do you think?

There is also The Black Horse, The Fleece and Middle Earth as possible venues for Max. The list is pretty endless!

So all suggestions welcome.

Let me know your ideas and I know it will all come together to make this a very special and memorable visit for Max so that he will come back to see us all again in the Uk on a regular basis.

Very best regards.
