The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131198   Message #2957770
Posted By: MGM·Lion
04-Aug-10 - 12:42 AM
Thread Name: BS: translations from the British
Subject: RE: BS: translations from the British
>>>Honey still varies in usage in spite of feminists. In some places it is used much like the cockney 'luv'.<<<

This is especially so in the North-EAST, AROUND NEWCASTLE, WHERE THE WORD "HINNY", a locally-pronounced derivation OF "HONEY", HAS ALWAYS BEEN THE EQUIVALENT OF "LUV" OR "MATE" ~~

as in the well-known mid-C19 George Ridley song, "Keep your feet still, Geordie-Hinny". (Btw 'Geordie', as well as a familiar form of George, is the nickname for a native of Newcastle, as is 'Scouse' for one from Liverpool, &c.)

{Apologies for accidents above with Shiftlock ~~ didn't mean to shout!}

Best regards, my hinnies,
