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Thread #129466   Message #2957774
Posted By: Teribus
04-Aug-10 - 12:49 AM
Thread Name: BS: US bigots attack British Company (oil spill)
Subject: RE: BS: US bigots attack British Company (oil spill)
mousethief and Don for the umpteenth time

1. Drilling had nothing to do with the what happened, my guess is that they would have been finished drilling for about four or five days before the "Blow-Out" occurred.

2. Even if it did the "drilling" experts and specialists on the Deepwater Horizon were Transocean, NOT BP. Professionally if I am "ordered" to do something that I believe to be unsafe or unprofessional I will tell whoever gives that "order" to take a hike.

3. Don you know absolutely damn all about what you are talking about, evidenced by:

A blow-out preventer (functional or non-functional) is hardly necessary if there is no blowout in the first place.

Hardly necessary!!! It and its associated "Marine Riser" are absolutely vital, you cannot drill without them.

Named in 2001 and 2005 eh! WOW must have had a great crystal ball if they changed their name in 2000 because of that record. Something that happened a decade ago is not something I would describe as a recent event. Safety issues in the US of A relate to assets that were formerly AMOCO facilities and businesses, same people stayed on to run them the same way as they did before that I believe was around 1997, US oil-field culture = Hire 'em, fire 'em, run their Goddam assess off to save us from havin' to pay them their completion bonuses, safety hell we'll be twice as safe on the next job to make up for it! - I've worked for them and Ebbie it wasn't BP who switched the alarms and safety systems off on the Deepwater Horizon.

BP takes the responsibility because it HAS TO legally it automatically takes that responsibility when it gets the lease. But as I have tried to din into a few on this forum being RESPONSIBLE is NOT the same as being at FAULT or being to BLAME.