The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131219   Message #2958079
Posted By: GUEST,Steamin' Willie
04-Aug-10 - 01:01 PM
Thread Name: When will Mudcat clean up its act?
Subject: RE: When will Mudcat clean up it's act?
I notice one solution tendered is to not have "guest" contributors.

I prefer doing the guest thing. When I joined, some people kept rattling on pushing their views through private posts. At least as a guest I don't have that to contend with.

I also resent the inference that guests don't watch their language. I reckon it is 50/50. or in other words, nothing to do with having guest status, (or lack of if you prefer....)

If you feel offended then please find a sanitised forum, I am sure they exist. But traditional songs such as Bonny Black Hare may not be on the lyric archives, so not much use as a folk forum then.

Also, on the BS section, you can find words such as Th*tcher. Now that spills my coffee too.....