The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131219   Message #2958326
Posted By: GUEST,Llizzie Cornish 1
04-Aug-10 - 05:10 PM
Thread Name: When will Mudcat clean up its act?
Subject: RE: When will Mudcat clean up its act?
Bruce, you're gonna love this! ;0)

Here you go, Sean..the new way to destress:
The Way of 'Fuck It' - Honest, it's a real site..and..I have the BOOK! :0)

And here's the Youtube version...Sean, you so need to sign up for this.. ;0)

You see, Sean...ALL you need to do is say "Fuck it!" every time you see the 'F' word and all the stress drains out of you.

Over here in Torquay the air is filled with Fucks for all sorts of different reasons! It's used as a greeting, as a warning, as an OUCH!, as an OOH!, as a MY word but she's a stunner!, as Goodbye, as calling to a friend...

Yes, Torquay is the ultimate fucking town...and at night they even put the word to the actual Oxford English Dictionary descriptional usage, down on the harbour side...

Ah yes, The fucking English Riviera ain't wot it used 2 B