The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131208   Message #2958427
Posted By: Ed T
04-Aug-10 - 07:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: Hamas rockets fired into Israel.
Subject: RE: BS: Hamas rockets fired into Israel.
"Ed T you are leaving out that the UN brokered and through pressure forced that peace and that the retaliation leaving much of Lebanon in ruins, killing thousands of civilians and creating 1.5 million refugees was retaliation for the deaths of two. just two, Israeli combatants".

Maybe, peace was brokered by the UN, maybe it was after people had enough of the mess and sought a way out. But, it is clear that a halt was only after Israel did alot of damage, human, property and infrastructure.

Regardless of anyones take on what caused it (I am sure there are many differing versions), and if it is related, the message is clear....mess with Israel and you will pay dearly in retaliation.

In that climate, is it not a given that if you send rockets into Israel, regardless of their damage, you, and your citizens should expect to pay dearly.

I suspect Georgia should have seen the result when they took agressive action against a greater power, Russia. The history books are full of lessons some never learn, including Japan in WW2 (I recall couple of nasty US blasts, with significant losses).

Maybe in a similar situation, I would take similar rebel action? But , with the lessons of history, I suspect I would have more common sense than to cause that level of suffering to my country and people.

Regardless, there should be no surprise that a response would be significant when one takes agressive action against Israel. In fact, I am puzzled why people far away from the conflict seem so surprised.