The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131219   Message #2958903
Posted By: sciencegeek
05-Aug-10 - 01:39 PM
Thread Name: When will Mudcat clean up its act?
Subject: RE: When will Mudcat clean up its act?
I have to admit being a bit perplexed when I saw the thread title... and then a tad annoyed at the presumption that some songs had no business being discussed at all. Has the ghost of Francis Childs returned and is attempting to asert puritanical control over traditional & folk music?

The use of "whilst" leads me to assume that the poster lives across the pond and makes me once again glad that (in spite of the best attempts by the puritanical right wingers)that I and the folks who run Mudcat live in the "US of A" and have a constitutional right to freedom of speech. And one consequence of that right is that it applies across the board - any and every viewpoint has the same right of expression. A hell of a lot of blood has been shed over the years to ensure that some very basic freedoms have been preserved for us and our decendents.

Thankfully, this small scirmish is being conducted using keyboards and not guns or other lethal devices. But I can't help but think of all the places on this planet where the right to think for myself or express my own opinions is but a forlorn hope. Makes me wonder what Woody Guthrie would have had to say about it.