The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131251   Message #2959206
Posted By: Matthew Edwards
05-Aug-10 - 10:17 PM
Thread Name: Shepherd of the Downs (Copper Family)
Subject: RE: Shepherd of the Downs
The Shepherd Adonis

The shepherd Adonis
Being weary'd with sport,
He, for retirement,
To the woods did resort;
He threw down his club,
And he laid himself down;
He envy'd no monarch,
Nor wish'd for a crown.

He drank of the burn,
And he are frae the tree,
Himself he enjoy'd,
And frae trouble was free.
He wish'd for no nymph,
Though never sae fair,
Had nae love nor ambition,
And therefore no care.

But as he lay thus
In an ev'ning sae clear,
A heav'nly sweet voice
Sounded saft in his ear;
Which came from a shady
Green neighbouring grove,
Where bonny Amynta
Sat singing of love.

He wander'd that way,
And found wha was there,
He was quite confounded
Ta see her sae fair:
He stood like a statue,
Not a foot cou'd he move,
Nor knew he what griev'd him;
But he fear'd it was love.

The nymph she beheld him
With a kind modest grace,
Seeing something that pleas'd her
Appear in his face,
With blushing a little
She to him did say,
Oh shepherd! what want ye,
How came you this way?

His spirits reviving,
He to her reply'd,
I was ne'er sae surpris'd
At the sight of a maid;
Until I beheld thee,
From Love I was free;
But now I'm ta'en captive,
My fairest, by thee.

Allan Ramsay, The Tea-table Miscellany: a collection of choice songs. First published Edinburgh, 1723.
This is from the 1775 edition in Google Books: A Tea-Table Miscellany.
