The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131198   Message #2959213
Posted By: Q (Frank Staplin)
05-Aug-10 - 10:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: translations from the British
Subject: RE: BS: translations from the British
'Wankle' in the OED means unsettled, unsteady; not to extricate (not unless it is a usage developed after c. 1990, the latest OED I have).

'wangle" appeared in UK in print in 1888, a printer's term. Soldiers used it in WW1, and in use both sides of the pond since then; meaning to extricate, to finagle (to use a slang term).

'Winkle' in OED; Webster's Collegiate says "chiefly British," first noted 1918.
Americans wouldn't know what a winkle is.