The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131219   Message #2959214
Posted By: mousethief
05-Aug-10 - 10:34 PM
Thread Name: When will Mudcat clean up its act?
Subject: RE: When will Mudcat clean up its act?
An English TV program run on the BBC features an English chef(?) who can't utter a sentence without 'fuck' or 'fucking' in it.

But why? It's just becoming meaningless fluff. What are people going to use when they REALLY need to show they're angry? They say that it's possible the universe will end in a blah heat-death soup where everything is exactly the same temperature and consistency and nothing happens or changes. Our language is growing that way now. As we overuse hot words we make them cooler and cooler, until they all die a heat death and we all speak in a monotone and have no way to show excitement or anger or any other strong emotion. It's like 1984 but we're doing it to ourselves.