The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131251   Message #2959312
Posted By: GUEST,Jon Dudley
06-Aug-10 - 05:08 AM
Thread Name: Shepherd of the Downs (Copper Family)
Subject: RE: Shepherd of the Downs
I shall never forget Bob's delight in learning of the derivation of that song when we received a photocopy of the relevant page from 'The Tea-Table Miscellany'. As always, never disappointment at not having something unique, but rather sheer wonderment at the way in which the old songs got around and were transmitted and changed orally by the ordinary people - despite the more scholarly beginnings.

Which reminds me Scowie...I haven't responded to your last communication. Will remedy that asap, but a sheer delight nonetheless. Sadly I'm not as dutiful or comprehensive a letter-writer as Bob.