The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131079   Message #2959827
Posted By: Bobert
06-Aug-10 - 09:01 PM
Thread Name: BS: Little Hawk?
Subject: RE: BS: Little Hawk?
I donno... Here we have this "gentlemen prefer blonds" and then we have Winona who ain't blond and we have Angelina who ain't blond but then we have Caroline who is kinda blond... Looks more like Iraish redhead to me but, hey...

No matter, maybe LH ain't into them blonds afterall... I donno... Doesn't much matter...

What does matter is that he's made bail... That's a good thing 'cause that means that the court doesn't think he's gonna hurt anyone before the trial... Okay, he did have some time to develope yet another character in this Pitchfork guy but, hey??? Waht's ya' gonna do fir 30 days in the jail house??? Play cards 24/7??? Nah... Cards get old in jail...

Heck, maybe he's invented several more characters and is introducin' 'um one by one... Maybe he get up to a hunnert or so... That would be cool... I mean, after a few they tend to bleed into others and next thing ya' know the boy has a best leagl defense there is: "Awwww, ya' see judge, it wasn't exactly me who did that crime but this guy who is borrowing a small portion of my brainerator"... Yep, that outta be good 'nuff to get him postin' from his new digs at the state mental hospital but, at least, his record will be clean...

I mean, I heard on the street that Winona ain't into messin' with criminals... That's a good thing for them both...