The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131266   Message #2959843
Posted By: GUEST,Harry Critchwright
06-Aug-10 - 09:57 PM
Thread Name: BS: Friend deeply offended by 'Cat poster!!!
Subject: RE: BS: Friend deeply offended by 'Cat poster!!!
I see that I underestimated the sheer perfidy and moral degradation of many of the members of this so-called folk and blues forum. I would be aghast and speechless by now were I not made of stern stuff. Very stern stuff, I assure you. I have had occasion to work professionally with poultry. Chickens, as you may or may not know, can be extremely independent and assertive birds. Turkeys can be even worse. Geese are the limit! If you want to earn their respect and get them to obey you, you must be prepared to lay down the law and "take no guff", if I may use a rather quaint homespun expression. No chicken OR turkey or any other form of agricultural fowl has proven to be strong-willed enough to resist my unbending authority once I laid down the law and made the conditions of our relationship absolutely clear. That should tell you something. You are not dealing with a mere namby-pamby pushover here. Oh, no.

So...."mamalucca", you say? Another stupid slang word! Where do you people get these moronic expressions? What gutter have you been crawling in?   Hmmm?

And what is all this nonsense about collecting cups of urine? For what purpose?

Now let's make one thing perfectly clear: I am not leaving here nor giving an inch until I get a full apology from everyone here who has offended me. At this point that would be:



and Rapaire

Then there are those who are on probation and had better watch it or they will also be asked for an apology.

At this point that would be....hmm...


and gnu

I don't really know how to classify Bobert's semi-coherent remarks so I won't even try.