The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131280   Message #2959968
Posted By: Mr Red
07-Aug-10 - 05:29 AM
Thread Name: Sidmouth 2010 comments??
Subject: Sidmouth 2010 comments??
OK a rant.

1) Signage for getting to the Bulverton car park. Going north non-existant on the main road.

Yea sure we all KNOW where it is and couldn't possibly sail past the double junction. Especially not twice in one week. Could I?

So was it oversight or vandalism that gave us the non-information.

2) Family Ceilidh. OK PC, H&R, and all that OTT stupidity might lead to not allowing adults without kiddies in too early, but why decide after the programme is published? In the event it was generally commented that knowledgeable adults would have been a godsend with so many novices. AND there are some ceilidhnauts who regard the educative role as essential to keep the interest of those joining the conveyor belt so that they ballance those falling off the other end. Hence the raison detre of the nuCeilidhs visa vis "social" dance. We stopped many keen ceilidhnauts as they headed to Blackmore Gardens who were of our thinking!

3) Why OH Why move a nuCeilidh workshop forward in time? No we don't all read the newsletter, nor every day. Cancellation is a disappointment, but moving to an earlier time is rubbing salt in the wounds. And those that didn't stay long at the workshop - it was deemed far too basic. Those wot needed tuition probably weren't up to speed with the newsletter wheeze either.

Yea yea lots to be positive about, and FWIW I will be there in 2012 when the Olympics are on. If for no other reason than the OLYMPICS ARE ON! Wherever the big screen TV is for spouses who didn't really want to be at Sidders (but for the sake of harmony are ), put it where I can't see it.


Yes I know running a festival is hard work for little thanks. I thank you by:
being there
advertising it (unbidden) on several pages on
singing its praises to those who haven't been
and I might even volunteer to steward next year, I know one person who bought a ticket because they were dropped off the database, only to be asked later because of a shortfall. Hmmmmmm.
and giving considered feedback.