The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131219   Message #2960164
Posted By: gnu
07-Aug-10 - 02:29 PM
Thread Name: When will Mudcat clean up its act?
Subject: RE: When will Mudcat clean up its act?
I've said it many times before...

The Mudcat Café is the best Café because the "coffee" is free and and so is the "speech"... thanks to Max. His dedication to free speech with only one simple rule has made this community what it is. And I, frankly, am darn happy that he has done so.

Fact is, if Max did not do so, far more people would leave than the odd (and I mean that BOTH ways) affronted visitor.

Here's your hat and coat and come again when you can't stay so long.

PS... if children are offened, you are a piss poor parent.