The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126147   Message #2960992
Posted By: GUEST,The Shambles
09-Aug-10 - 05:47 AM
Thread Name: Licensing consultation announced!
Subject: RE: Licensing consultation announced!

With great sadness we have been forced to cancel the Glade Festival 2010.

When we started back in 2004 we did so out of a love of electronic music, free spiritedness and alternative culture and in response to the vibrant free party scene in the UK. We wanted to have our own version of the kind of colourful, creative and non-corporate events that happen in many places across the planet… Looking back it is amazing that it happened.

As many Glade fans will know over the years we have fought hard to maintain the integrity of the event against steadily increasing restrictions imposed by local authority and police. The resulting compromises have led to increased costs, increased ticket prices and a throttling of the very essence of what we wanted to do. It led to us finally having to move from the lovely Wasing estate due to late night noise restrictions and the police's demands for an ever-increasing security and police presence at the event.