The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131320   Message #2961166
Posted By: Bobert
09-Aug-10 - 11:51 AM
Thread Name: BS: Fox (as in animal) & Cats Question???
Subject: BS: Fox (as in animal) & Cats Question???
Well, I reckon that most folks have foxes around where they live but rarely see them... Seems that we have one who has taken up residency in a culvert pipe about 1oo feet from the house... Yeah, he does go out and play fox but I see him 3-4 times day and he doesn't seem to bothered by me... This mornin' I had a bead on him with my shotgun but couldn't bring myself to shoot him... I mean, he's youngish... May a year old...

The question is, will he go after my cats if I leave him alone... Right now I have 4 cats which live purdy much outside... One of the cats I'm purdy sure would give this fox a whuppin' but the other three are, ahhhh, pussies, so to speak... Yeah, they fight with each other now and then (just playin') but I don't think they have the mindset that "Top Cat" has when it comes to protecting themselves...

So, what do ya'll think??? Shoot the fox or don't shoot the fox???.

BTW, no, he's not acting sickly like he was rabbied... Just thinks he lives here???

And, no, I don't wnat the expense of payin' a certified animal rehabilitator to trap and move him... That's expensive..
