The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131320   Message #2961325
Posted By: My guru always said
09-Aug-10 - 03:05 PM
Thread Name: BS: Fox (as in animal) & Cats Question???
Subject: RE: BS: Fox (as in animal) & Cats Question???
We feed our foxes with leftovers virtually every night and have no problem with them at all.

Our cat is now 2 years old but from 6 months she has had total access to the garden and became very good friends with one of the dog-foxes and they ended up playing 'tag' together. I think he tolerated her in the beginning as she was so young but he got into the spirit of the game after a short while. We've got some fabulous videos *grin*

He's gone now and we're watching out for the newest batch of cubs to discover her, maybe they'll play 'tag' too.

But on the other hand, a good friend had his cat taken by a fox, they saw it happen. Their cat was old and sickly, probably survival of the fittest...