The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127728   Message #2961536
Posted By: ichMael
09-Aug-10 - 07:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: State Sovereignty Resolutions
Subject: RE: BS: State Sovereignty Resolutions
Some excellent news on the states' efforts to keep the criminal federal government at bay. Missouri just passed Proposition C, saying no to the murderous Obamacare plan:

Just under a million Missouri voters braved 102-degree heat Tuesday to cast ballots exempting the state's residents from Obamacare mandates. The verdict on the nationalized health care scheme could not have been more clear: More than 71 percent chose to tell the federal government to stop meddling with their personal health care choices.

Missouri Sen. Jane Cunningham introduced the legislation that placed the Health Care Freedom Act before voters. This act nullifies any statute that attempts to "compel, directly or indirectly, any person, employer or health care provider to participate in any health care system." Obamacare's defenders insist the federal health care law trumps Proposition C under the U.S. Constitution's Supremacy Clause, which is ironic considering the utter disregard for constitutional authority that went into drafting Obamacare itself....