The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131320   Message #2962758
Posted By: GUEST,Patsy
11-Aug-10 - 08:36 AM
Thread Name: BS: Fox (as in animal) & Cats Question???
Subject: RE: BS: Fox (as in animal) & Cats Question???
The foxes in the UK especially in the urban areas around Bristol are getting more and more fearless and keep within close proximity of humans. I have noticed it more these last few years, one in particular walked past me along the road just like a stray dog. I've heard stories about foxes attacking or killing cats but never actually witnessed it so I reckon it is another one of those urban myths. It would be too much hassle to be in confrontation with a claw wielding spitting cat especially when MacDonalds or KFC is only up the road methinks!