The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131368   Message #2963184
Posted By: Emma B
11-Aug-10 - 05:43 PM
Thread Name: BS: So little empathy for Pakistan?
Subject: RE: BS: So little empathy for Pakistan?
I think it might be preferable (or less 'bigoted' - not MY terminology!) to quote a more independent source for information about The Foundation for Human Rights and Freedoms and Humanitarian Relief or IHH

Wiki desribes it as -

"a Turkish NGO active in more than 100 countries.
Established in 1992 and officially registered in Istanbul in 1995, IHH provides humanitarian relief in areas of war, earthquake, hunger, and conflict.
The IHH holds Special Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council since 2004

The IHH provides social aid, Muslim cultural aid, educational aid, sanitary aid, emergency aid programs in 120 countries.

It provides health care and water wells in Africa and runs the Africa Cataract Project, begun in 2007, in ten African countries.
IHH has made it possible for thousands of people who are suffering from cataracts but who do not have the economic means to be treated to see again. IHH built 1174 water wells in Africa.

IHH sent two cargo planes to Haiti with 33 tons of humanitarian aid supplies after the 2010 Haiti earthquake"

In 2008, Israel became the only country to ban the organization

Despite Israeli claims that the organization had contacts with 'links to terrorism networks, including al-Qaida' in the 1990s, the IHH, unlike Hamas, is not among some 45 groups listed by the U.S. State Department as terror organizations.

In the war-ravaged Gaza neighborhood of Izbet Abed Rabbo, IHH is building a three-story apartment block for families made homeless during the Gaza war. The $250,000 project provides jobs for 100 people.