The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131368   Message #2963273
Posted By: Lox
11-Aug-10 - 07:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: So little empathy for Pakistan?
Subject: RE: BS: So little empathy for Pakistan?
IHH is the Turkish humanitarian aid organization who were transporting aid into Gaza when they were attacked by the IDF.

They were described by The Israeli Government and by Bobad and others as being a terrorist organization.

Bobad first posted the following comment on August 3rd:

Link to post

"I put this question to Tarek Fatah, activist, writer, broadcaster and founder of the Canadian Muslim Congress. This is his reply: "I doubt it very much; we are too dark-skinned to deserve a flotilla. So, in exchange, Our 'brothers' have sent us tonnes of 'prayers' and 'chants' along with the consignment of AK-47s, an arsenal of IDU components and clerics to pray for the dead."."

In doing so, he insinuates that Muslims motivated to assist in the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, namely IHH, don't care about the suffering of residents living there, but only about scoring political points against Israel.

In response, I posted the following link showing that IHH are in fact involved in the relief effort in Pakistan.


There is at least one other article on the IHH website on the subject of the relief they have provided.

Bobad has seen this evidence but deliberately overlooked it and posted the same slur again anyway on this thread in order to hijack it to promote his personal agenda that Moslems only provide relief when its suits their political motivation - that being to score points against Israel.

Bobad has read my position on the Israel/Palestine conflict very clearly and knows, as does anyone else who can read, that I condemn Hamas, the rockets and Palestinian aggression just as I condemn Israeli Aggression and murder of humanitarian aid workers.

But Bobad deliberately also lies about my position and speaks in the same smug terms as the BNP posters who pollute this site with their filth.

Bobad, IHH work all over the world providing humanitarian aid.

They provide it where it is needed.

But you don't care about that, you only care about repeating the same lie again and again no metter how many times it is shown to be untrue.

You started a thread not Long ago about atrocities other than those involving Israel.

Well here is one!

This one is about Pakistan!

Yet your first post has brought it straight back to the Israel/Palestine conflict.

A hypocrite has been caught red handed.

Talking of videos, the video you posted on your 'non-Israeli atrocity' thread as a starting pont turned out to be banned on youtube within an hour of you pposting it.


Because it was deliberately misleading inflammatory propaganda.

Something you revel in.

Your input here is wholly poisonous.