The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #25336   Message #296378
Posted By: Pseudolus
13-Sep-00 - 09:46 AM
Thread Name: What can't be talked about here?
Subject: RE: What can't be talked about here?
Taboo? Hmmmmm..... We have threads about whether or not people should post to that thread, we have threads about politics, music bests, and music worsts. We have threads disecting when does a song become a song. There are many threads asking for lyrics and some that add new lyrics. We have agreements, disagreements, jabs, jeers, supporting comments, occassional flamers (inciteful commenters), song challengers, BS-ers, Hearme singers and listeners, posters, readers, and two pretty teal threads for teh visually dependent. Mostly, I've found abunch of friendly, opinionated (in a good way), caring, people who will discuss almost anything that comes to the table.
