The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131411 Message #2964385
Posted By: GUEST,David E.
13-Aug-10 - 12:25 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Jim Ringer Question
Subject: Origins: Jim Ringer Question
Last night I watched a video, on You Tube, on Jim and Mary singing a song called Hard Times. This isn't the Stephen Foster song, though there is a lyrical reference to it. I only have what is available by Jim on cd and it's not on anything I have. Does anyone know if Jim recorded this song on any of his albums? An internet search has only yielded the Foster song and though I did find on old Mudcat thread with the same question from quite a few years back, but no one seemed to have an answer at the time. Any help would be appreciated. Oh, and while I don't know how to make one of those blue link clicky things, it's easy to find on You Tube should you want to watch it, and you should.