The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131320 Message #2964491
Posted By: gnu
13-Aug-10 - 02:05 PM
Thread Name: BS: Fox (as in animal) & Cats Question???
Subject: RE: BS: Fox (as in animal) & Cats Question???
Silas... "10 shots in a 6" diameter at 30yds is pathetic."
I assume you are commenting on shooting a fox with a 22 at 100 feet. Bobert has already said he would not use the 22 for that. I assume he would use a 410 slug.
If you are commenting on Bobert's marksmanship, I find your comment odd because store bought 22 ammo is easily subject to such variation these days as even "reputable" companies buy ammo from second rate manufacturers and sell it under their brand. I had a 22 casing split in a Win 9422 XTR and the breach blowback put my eye out of round. Mexican made ammo. I sold the gun.