The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #130378   Message #2967201
Posted By: Big Mick
17-Aug-10 - 12:56 PM
Thread Name: Max's Grand UK Escapade 2010
Subject: RE: Max's Grand UK Escapade 2010
It is so wonderful to see the seed I planted grow like this. Thanks to all who contributed to the trip. But when you think of the ones responsible, you should pm, or go 3-D and give a hug, to Sinsull and My Guru Always Said. They made this happen, and are responsible for all of you having the chance to finally meet and enjoy our Max.

It all started during a thread that had become infected by mean spirited freeloaders who complained that they didn't like the way Max handled the financing of this place. That peeved me no end, as I remember the days when Max slept beside the servers, and sacrificed huge parts of his young life to this place, largely because he felt the responsibility to those who used it for research, friendship, and in some cases, their only connection to a larger world. After I posted my opinions of people such as those that were carping, Max made the comment that he had never been to Europe to have the Mudgatherings that many of us did as a result of his hard work. It was off the cuff, muttered at a weak moment, but my old ears recognized it for what it was, a peek inside this remarkable friend of mine. I was determined at some point to make this happen. Unfortunately, my world fell apart with my daughter's tragic accident, my father suffering a burst Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm, my Aunt dying, and my mother's stroke. Between that and trying to keep a music career going, I knew I could not do the leg work necessary to accomplish this. I called on my dear friend Sinsull and she stepped up. Later we recruited MGAS and she was (and is) magnificent. And then you all jumped in...... and here we are on the brink of this good man going to Europe. Enjoy him, my friends, he is a remarkable man and a remarkable musician, and a wonderful friend. I wish for all the world I could have made the trip with him, but that will come later.

All the best,
