The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131487   Message #2967402
Posted By: GUEST,Abdul on the other PC
17-Aug-10 - 05:12 PM
Thread Name: BS: Snoring
Subject: RE: BS: Snoring
Hey Allan C you could be me by your description and bizarrely my real name is Alan Clayton. Bad news about the weight loss not working, I was counting on that and exercise.
Joe F, about 2 years ago I found the head position thingy on the net and it seemed to be the answer but only for a few weeks and then didn't seem to work. I tried all the special shaped pillows too but good. I always sleep on my side, on my back is GUARANTEED to be loud snoring and so a definite a no no.
I suggested earplugs for Mrs C but she's not keen, although she is part of the problem being a very light sleeper.
Almost bed time....oh well. Lifes rich tapestry eh?