The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62773   Message #2967886
Posted By: GUEST,Steamin' Willie
18-Aug-10 - 11:21 AM
Thread Name: Elixir ? strings
Subject: RE: Elixier ? strings
I tried some a few years ago, decided they were OK, decent tone, long lasting, had less screech as you slid up the keyboard, but not worth being the only ones I use.

Then, last month, I bought a new Rainsong guitar, and they come with some already on. Before I changed them, I had a good play both in the shop and when I got it home, and all was OK. I changed them for the Martin ones I usually use, and they neither played nor sounded as good. Strange... I bought some more Elixor and back to the wonderful sound / playability I had when I bought it.

This must be, in my case, more about the guitar than the strings. I have never had a guitar before so fussy about the strings you buy. That said, I have just bulk bought a shed load of them. Not a bad price in a box of 50 sets.

The quiet experience of sliding your fingers up the fret board is the most useful feature. If I had a gripe, my fourth finger can slip when on the sixth string, (say in G maj chord,) as I have big fat fingers. A string that is not coated has more grip.

Long life? Well, no idea how long the factory strings had been on, but they out played new Martin strings...