The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120949   Message #2968176
Posted By: Genie
18-Aug-10 - 06:22 PM
Thread Name: Mudcatter Music Online - PermaThread
Subject: RE: Mudcatter Music Online - PermaThread
I have quite a few videos from the 2008 Getaway posted at YouTube and, as of a couple months ago, YT has the option of posting videos as "unlisted." Unlike the "private" designation that used to be their only alternative to "public," the unlisted designation does not restrict access to YT members.    It just gives each video an unlisted URL which can be made available to as many people as you want.

So now most of the Getaway videos I've posted at YT have "unlisted" URLs. (At least this is the case for those where I wasn't sure it was OK to make them "public.")

These are the Mudcatters whose 2008 Getaway videos are now on my YouTube channel with "unlisted" URLS:

Genie - 1 video, 1 video w audio from me
Amos - 2 videos
Lonesome EJ
Bobert (Bobert's Blues Band - the on with Dani, Janie, Tinker, Jacqui, and other floozies)
Jennifer Woods
The Doo Wop Workshop (Shoop Shoop song) - Jacquie, Ken Schatz, and others
Kathy Westra (Wallflower Waltz)
Kendall and Jacqui
Dick Levine (Let The Winds Blow High And Low)

If you're one of these performers, please PM me and I'll send you the link - which you can make as public or keep as private as you like
