The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131551   Message #2968819
Posted By: Ebbie
19-Aug-10 - 03:52 PM
Thread Name: BS: Why did Hitler and Braun Marry?
Subject: BS: Why did Hitler and Braun Marry?
That other disturbing thread brought this to mind. Over the years I have wondered: on practically their death bed, why did Hitler and Eva Braun bother to marry? It seems incongruous, given his history of murder, vengefulness and paranois. Marriage is an affirmation of religiosity, it seems to me- why did he bother?

Did Braun (And why and how on earth was she able to love him? Did she share his predilictions?) Anyway, did Braun tell him that he owed her that much? Or did he get on bended knee and beg her to do him the favor of marriage "'til death do us part'? Did he chuckle and acknowledge that he could't go ask her parents for her hand? (And why have I never read anything about her family?)

What was their last day like? Did they spend it in fond reminiscing? Did Braun practice writing her new name, making fancy scrolls and did he say, 'Oh, you kid'?
