The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131552   Message #2969000
Posted By: Q (Frank Staplin)
19-Aug-10 - 08:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: Islamic cultural centre near ground zero
Subject: RE: BS: Islamic cultural centre near ground zero
Ignorance and bigotry are alive and well, not only in the U. S., but in Europe, Asia, wherever dissimilar peoples and religions rub against each other.
A poll taken across the United States shows a majority against building the cultural center at the site, long owned by Muslims.
A CNN program this evening gave an hour's time to an interview with a fundamentalist Christian 'leader' who hates the Muslim religion (it does not recognize that Jesus Christ died for our sins, etc.). The media seem intent on increasing discord.

Belgium is badly split on language-religion; it may not be long before the country separates.
The Netherlands has its problems; the area around Maastricht has nothing in common with say, Rotterdam, and bigoted comment about one or the other is common.
The Roma are being thrown out of France, and they are not wanted in the Romanian-Bulgarian area from which they migrated.
Talk of a Catalan nation is largely talk, but there are many in intellectual circles desirous of and working toward 'home rule'.

The U. S. will build two $100 million centers (forts?) whose purpose is to keep Kurds and Iraqis from conflict with each other.
Turkey and adjacent nations also are trying to keep a damper on Kurds.
China and its peoples in the Northwest clash, the central government keeps them tightly in check.
The Caucasus, Kashmir, the border provinces between Afghanistan and Pakistan, etc., etc. all are in turmoil.

The United Nations takes one step forward and one step back.

It is the nature of the human race.