The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #1456   Message #296916
Posted By: John in Brisbane
14-Sep-00 - 12:18 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: The Woodpecker Song
Subject: Lyr Add: WOODPECKER SONG (Adamson/Bruno/DiLazzaro)
Some people never forget. On the other hand I tend to remeber things sooner or later - much later in this case. Regards, John

He's up each morning bright and early
To wake up all the neighbourhood
To bring to every boy and girlie
His happy serenade on wood.

Hear him picking out a melody.
Peck, peck, pecking at the same old tree,
He's as happy as a bumblebee, All day long.

To serenade your lady,
Just find a tree that's ahady,
And when you hear that tick-a-tick-tick,
tick-a-tick-tick, tick-a-tick-tick,
sing right along.

Come on and try his rhythm.
And let your hearts beat with him,
Just listen to that tick-a-tick-tick,
tick-a-tick-tick happy little Woodpecker Song