The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131551   Message #2969270
Posted By: Ron Davies
20-Aug-10 - 07:31 AM
Thread Name: BS: Why did Hitler and Braun Marry?
Subject: RE: BS: Why did Hitler and Braun Marry?
I've told you how this "'marriage ceremony" was carried out. If you think a uniformed Nazi as the person carrying out the ceremony respects the tradition of that ceremony, you are welcome to that view.   Had he wanted to, I suspect Hitler could have required that a priest be there to do it.   That he did not indicates how much respect he had for it and how much planning had gone into it.

The whole thing appears pretty clearly to have just been a meaningless sop thrown to Eva Braun at the last minute.

Either that or Hitler planned to not to have a religious official carry out the "ceremony".

One other possible interpretation:    At that point--and in fact for quite a while before--Nazism was in fact the religion of Germany as far as Hitler and his followers were concerned.   Therefore it was perfectly logical to have a Nazi official carry out the "ceremony."

But it certainly gives the lie to assertions, which have been made on Mudcat, that Hitler was a Christian any time after about age 7.

It was also quite clear to both Hitler and Eva Braun what their fates would be if captured by the Russians, who were in fact already in Berlin.

From Kershaw:, Hitler: 1936-1945 Nemesis:   p 820:   "By now, Soviet troops had forced their way into Potsdamer Platz and streets in the immediate vicinity of the Reich Chancellery.   They were no more than a few hundred feet away."

There would be no "severe cross-examination and ridicule". and no need to discuss "various outcomes."   And all in the bunker knew this. It was patently obvious to all what the immediate outcome would be if Hitler and Eva Braun were found by the attacking Russians, considering what the Russians themselves had gone through.

Anybody who thinks differently is invited to read more on exactly what the Russians had in fact gone through.