The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131567   Message #2969892
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
21-Aug-10 - 03:32 AM
Thread Name: SoH Israeli-backed attack on EFDSS!
Subject: RE: SoH Israeli-backed attack on EFDSS!
Actually, I'm very surprised that SoH haven't written a song about Israel and Palestine. Mind you, they'd have to go a long way to write something better than these two songs...

'Jabaliya' - Ron Bankley

a href="">'Two Brothers' - Pete Morton

As for headlines, heck I don't do those...but I do articles.. ;0)

From The Common Sense Times:

"It's rumoured today that the EFDSS will be attending the forthcoming Israel/Palestine Peace Talks in Washington, in the vague hope of being able to learn to stop their bickering and get their own 'organisation' sorted out.

It is also hoped they too will start to remove their own barriers, fences and radar from around the English Folk World, allowing, 'food and water' in, at long last, in the guise of people with tastes from all musical backgrounds. It is also hoped, albeit a distant one, that they will also begin to see Singer Songwriters as their friends, not their enemies, for they are the Bringers of the New Tradition, the lifeblood of the people.....

Of course, the rest of the populatin already understands that 'their' world is OUR world too, but sadly, some folks who tend to love organisations with rules and regulations have always sought to make themselves bitter Rulers of their own Island, failing to realize that we all dwell upon the same Land"